Work History
Pixelboxx GmbH
Senior DevOps Engineer
(2022 - 2024) | Dortmund, Germany
- Installation and maintenance of many bare metal Kubernetes clusters for development and testing purposes.
- Installation, support, maintenance of production bare metal Kubernetes cluster and product installation for clients.
- Setting up load balancers and integrating kubernetes clusters with a cloud provider.
- Installation, support, maintenance of many Ceph clusters with terabytes of data.
- Implementation of GitLab pipelines.
- Implementation and maintenance of GitLab CI/CD Pipelines for dynamic environments on Kubernetes cluster for different purposes.
- Maintenance and updates of self hosted GitLab server.
- Creation of an infrastructure and monitoring system based on Prometheus and Grafana.
- Creation of custom Prometheus exporters.
- Creation of a system for collecting and analyzing logs.
- Security: analysis and monitoring of product components and the system as a whole using various utilities and tools.
- Creation and support of the system of backups for clusters.
- Improvement, support and development of Helm charts for custom product installation.
- Working with AWS and Azure.
- Keycloak integration.
- Migrations and various other DevOps related tasks.
Technologies: Kubernetes, Ceph, Velero, NGINX Ingress, Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, Helm, kubectl, GitLab, CI/CD pipelines, Harbor, Keycloak, Istio, AWS, Azure, HashiCorp Vault, Lens, kubectl
2021 GmbH
Senior DevOps Engineer
(2021 - 2022) | Berlin, Germany
- Transformation of the infrastructure to move Microservices to Kubernetes.
- Installation and configuration of the Kubernetes cluster for test systems.
- Setting up a load balancer, storage, monitoring, logging, security and everything that is needed for the full operation of applications.
- Planning and implementation of Kubernetes CI/CD Pipelines for dynamic environments for different purposes.
- Training and education of fellow administrators of the Kubernetes platform.
Technologies: Kubernetes, Rancher, Traefik, Prometheus, Grafana, OpenSearch, HashiCorp Vault, Helm, Longhorn, Argo-cd/workflows/events/rollouts, Lens, kubectl
2020 GmbH
Senior DevOps Engineer
(2020 - 2021) | Berlin, Germany
- Built infrastructure for COVID-19 vaccination appointment booking system, including planning and maintenance, which was implemented across the entire Germany.
- Planned, created and maintained the monitoring system for microservices to evaluate the internal specific metrics and behavior of the microservice in real time.
- Creation of product testing system and full automation of various types of tests (scenarios, performance, GUI ..) for different runtime environments.
- Dockerizing microservices for rapid development and deployment, Relational/NoSQL Databases, other tools and frameworks.
- Set up and maintained SonarQube Server.
- Set up and maintained Jenkins to execute the continuous integration to ensure the quality of the code.
- Built Jenkins CI/CD pipelines in Groovy to automate the code releases, building Docker containers and updating Confluence/JIRA states through REST API.
- Developed cron Jobs for cleaning outdated projects/branches etc.
- Built a continuous delivery pipelines using Jenkins to support the continuous development process.
- Python scripts for Jenkins and Nexus migrations.
- Improvement and adjustment of processes between Development and Operations teams.
- Creation of infrastructure for the web projects and integration in CI/CD processes.
- OWASP checks and analysis of Artifacts for security bugs and vulnerabilities.
- Introduced Spring Boot Admin for a better overview of metrics.
Technologies: Elasticsearch, Kibana, Grafana, Prometheus, Groovy, Shell, Docker, Jenkins, Jenkins Pipelines, Nexus, Java 11, MySQL, Spring Boot, Spring Boot Admin, Maven, Ansible, Python, SonarQube
KV Telematik GmbH
Senior Java Developer / DevOps Engineer
(2017 - 2020) | Berlin, Germany
- Development and support of a complex CQRS system.
- Development in a small team of a highly customizable healthcare product.
- Development doctor/practice search platform using Apache Lucene search engine.
- Protected administrator's access to configure the system.
- Created infrastructure, test and dev environments with Docker, CI/CD and programmed Microservices.
- OpenAPI Specification for the project development.
- Systems used to program the project: Spring Boot, Spring Security, Hibernate, Angular, etc.
- Built Jenkins CI/CD pipelines in Groovy to automate all processes.
- Updated and patched libraries to increase security.
Technologies: Java 8/11, MySQL, Spring Boot. Spring Security, Hibernate, Maven, Jersey, Nexus, Jenkins, Docker, OpenAPI, Liquibase, SonarQube
Solactive AG (formerly known as Primervoto GmbH)
Senior Java Developer
(2017 - 2017) | Berlin, Germany
Development of services for financial exchange. Most used technologies for development: Java 8, Spring Boot, Play Framework, MySQL, Maven, sbt, etc.
Technologies: Java 8, MySQL, Spring Boot. Hibernate, Maven, sbt, Play Framework, RESTEasy
Klopotek AG
Java Backend Developer / Frontend Developer
(2014 - 2017) | Berlin, Germany
- Development of software for more than 350 publishing houses.
- Big migration from JBoss to WildFly.
- Created and implemented microservices with Spring, Oracle, Maven, Hibernate, etc.
- CI/CD with Gitlab, Artifactory, JFrog, Jenkins, etc.
- Developed Web Frontend with AngularJS.
- Automated deployment to AWS with Ansible.
Technologies: Java 7/8, Oracle, Spring. Hibernate, Maven, AWS, Ansible, GitLab, JFrog, Jenkins, Wildfly, AngularJS
Vilua Healthcare GmbH (formerly known as xx-well GmbH and Welldoo GmbH)
Working student (Java Backend Developer / Frontend Developer)
(2012 - 2014) | Berlin, Germany
- Development of software for eHealth and other areas.
- Developed and maintained microservices with Java, Spring, Oracle, Maven, Hibernate, etc.
- Swagger for REST documentation, Flyway for database migrations.
- Maintenance of JSP/JSF Web Frontend.
- Bachelor thesis “Microservices Architecture”.
Technologies: Java 6/7, Oracle 11g, Apache Tomcat, Spring MVC/Data/Web Flow. Hibernate, Maven, Flyway, Swagger, Mockito, Jersey
Sopra Steria SE (formerly known as Steria Mummert Consulting GmbH)
Working student (Java Backend Developer / Frontend Developer)
(2011 - 2012) | Berlin, Germany
- Development of software for GAS-X project.
- Development using Java, JavaEE, JavaScript, JQuery, ExtJS etc.
- Research and prototyping of SpreadSheet web components.
- Research tasks for replacement of Active-X components.
Technologies: Java, JavaEE, JavaScript, ExtJS, jQuery, JFreeChart
Computer Center "Cluster"
Repair of computers
(2007 - 2008) | Ternopil, Ukraine
- Repair, maintenance and assembly of computer hardware.
- Virus removal, cleaning.
- Installation of operating systems. HDD backups.
Konica Minolta
Designer and video editing
(2006 - 2007) | Ternopil, Ukraine
- Designer in a photo/design studio.
- Retouching, mounting, restoration, business cards, collages, posters, banners with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator and CorelDraw.
- Video montage with Adobe Premiere and Adobe After Effects.
- Web banners with Flash and ActionScript.
- Programmed cost accounting system using C++ Builder.
Technologies: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, CorelDraw, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, Flash, ActionScript, C++ Builder
Computer Center "Terminal"
Computer network administrator
(2006 - 2006) | Ternopil, Ukraine
Created, configured, built and maintained internet networks for customers. -
Internet cafe "Krapka"
Internet cafe administrator
(2005 - 2006) | Ternopil, Ukraine
Customer service in the Internet cafe, performance support of computers, session control, setting up network games.
2022Guardius is a SaaS solution that automates a range of IT tasks for businesses managing their websites or infrastructure.
Technologies: Kubernetes, GCP, Java, Spring Boot, Go, Vue JS, Traefik, Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, OWASP ZAP...
- KubeHelper - an Open Source product developed from the scratch.
- KubeHelper is a tool that simplifies many of the daily tasks associated with managing Kubernetes through a web interface. Search, analysis, run commands, cron jobs, reports, filters, git synchronization and many more.
- Read more about the KubeHelper project on wiki.
Technologies: Kubernetes, Terraform, Helm, Docker, Java, Spring Boot, Shell, Zk Framework
- Created from the scratch a Kubernetes cluster for big data processing, data analytics, computing and machine learning using Apache Spark.
- Developed an entire infrastructure as Infrastructure-as-Code using Ansible, later rewritten using Terraform.
- Cluster logging: Elasticserach, Kibana, Fluent Bit, Metricbeat.
- Cluster monitoring: Prometheus and Grafana.
- Spark ecosystem: Standalone Spark cluster with worker nodes, Spark history server, HDFS storage.
- Spring Boot Service as Backend with MySQL and MongoDB and Web Frontend with Angular.
- Autonomous TeamCity CI/CD server that reacts to webhooks and takes an automatic deploy/redeploy.
- All TeamCity Pipelines developed as a code with Kotlin.
- Nexus as a repository for artefacts and docker images.
- Apache Zeppelin for fast access to Spark cluster.
- Helm as package manager for Kubernetes.
Technologies: Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, Apache Spark. HDFS, Helm. Elasticsearch, Kibana, Fluent Bit, Ansible, Prometheus, Grafana, MySQL, MongoDB, Angular, TeamCity, Kotlin, Nexus, Shell
2016Built the "Words Tutor” Android application that helps users to learn new words in any language in a game mode. Initially developed as a client-server app and later re-developed in one autonomous mode. The "Words Tutor” app has a lot of features:
- Creating a new dictionary from MS Word/Excel and text documents;
- Importing dictionaries from Lingvo Tutor;
- Grouping renaming, deleting, sorting, moving dictionaries between groups;
- 10 different types of trainings;
- Ability to monitor the learning progress words and the progress statistics after each training session and possibility to reset the study results and dictionary review;
- Different public dictionaries are available for each user;
- Instant word adding service with one click after copying;
- Automatic translation of the word into more than 100 languages;
- Add / edit / delete a word to/in an existing dictionary;
- Search in the dictionary by learned word or its translation;
- A lot of flexible settings, level of complexity for individual trainings, different themes;
- Flexible configurable voice synthesizer;
Technologies: Java, Android
2012-2014 |
- A chess game developed using Java Sockets and Java Swing with following features: local and network game, 2D chess board, 2-player mode, clock, chat, save/continue network game, animation during figure selection.
- A “Sudoku" game with game generation algorithm, level of complexity and a database storage for iPhone using Objective C and Cocoa.
- A “MapTracker” project developed using Android. The aim of the project is to save the GPS coordinates during the user movement using the background service and then to play the trip in Google 3D Maps.
Technologies: Java, Java Swing, Objective C, Cocoa, Android
Education History
Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (University of Applied Sciences)
Bachelor of Science , Applied computer science (Angewandte Informatik)
(2011 - 2014) | Berlin, Germany
Hochschule Osnabrück (University of Applied Sciences)
Bachelor of Science , Media informatics (Medieninformatik)
(2008 - 2011) | Osnabrück, Germany
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Master of Science , Computer sciences
(2007 - 2008) | Ternopil, Ukraine
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University
Bachelor of Science , Computer sciences
(2005 - 2007) | Ternopil, Ukraine
Vyacheslav Chornovil Galician College
Diploma of qualified specialist degree , Computer science, operation of data processing and decision systems
(2001 - 2005) | Ternopil, Ukraine
Spring / Spring Boot
Top Skills
Spring / Spring Boot
Interested on
Data Engineering
Language Skills
- ProficientEnglish
- ProficientGerman
- NativeUkrainian
- NativeRussian